Saturday, August 9, 2008

33. Caffeinated Hazy Mornings

[this post is a straight-up copy from my other blog, oregano.  i'm toying with the idea of shifting to blogspot, for a number of conflicted reasons. there's no need to read both blogs, as they are one and the same (at least until further notice).]

le sigh. here's a list of stuff to consider.

1. i've had five nightmares in the past six nights.  this is rather odd, since i hardly remember my dreams, let alone wake up from them.  Several have involved zombies at war with other zombies, fighting for the soul (and brains) of mankind.

2. there is a mess of TaxMan paperwork still sitting on my desk.  Revenue Canada won't go away.  I've been asked for the third year in a row to send in all of my paperwork because I've been selected for a "periodic review".  I'm suspicious.  If Revenue Canada wants to audit me full-on, they should just do it already because i'm rather tired of these shenanigans.  Go big or go home.  As your boss says, RevCan, Fish or Cut Bait.

3. due in part (but still completely my fault) to the large mess of TaxMan paperwork sitting on my desk, i completely forgot to correspond with the Uni regarding my funding for September.  According to their timeline, my funding is now in jeopardy, so I'll have to go to the bursar on Monday and beg for a reprieve.  It'll all be good in the end, which is just as well, because I don't want to explain how it is that I lost their letter in the pile of Revenue Canada correspondence, who has now sent me so many letters in the past two months that the pile is over three inches high.

4. i don't think i'll have time to read the Mobe and Glail today.  Sadness.

5. wouldn't it be nice to produce real thought-provoking work on a daily basis?  oh, to be a snooty french philosopher.  i'd love to wake up in the morning, eat some toast and jam, and mumble some words that the world finds profound but in all likelihood borders closer to nonsense.

5a.  in all seriousness, if i ever became independently wealthy, i'd go find a nice comfy chair and just start thinking and writing.  and i wouldn't stop until death becomes me.

6.Profound.  What a neat-sounding word.  Total non-sequitur: I need to go find and read Wilde's de profundis again.  Perhaps after the 20th.

7. i love how wilde, for all his decadence (which we revere him for), was a closet catholic.  so many victorians were.

8. to turn a phrase akin to marshall mathers III: "i guess there's a little catholic in all of us."  har har.

9. j'aime du café.